Meditation can work for people with autism

Meditation can work for people with autism I have written about my interest in meditation in previous articles, but I wanted to write more about how it actually makes me feel. I have been meditating on and off for around 30 years and have tried many different techniques. Over the years I have regularly attended Buddhist centres, Raja yoga centres, Sri Chinmoy centres and many other organizations that have their Read More
Autism and self help
Autism and self help: People on the autistic spectrum that are cognitively able, can help themselves and others by sharing their experiences. It occurred to me recently, that practically everything I know about autism, has been learnt through a) my own research. b) self analysis and writing blog posts. c) listening to other peoples experiences of having autism. I have also learnt a lot over the past 5 years, by Read More
Autistic man arrested
Autistic man arrested at train station for violent and anti social behaviour. Yes that is the headline. It is the story of what happened to a 36 year old man with Autism called Philip. I have called him that to protect his identity. I work as a tutor to Philip, and have got to know him quite well. Philip was at the train station one day when he got confused Read More
Autism: A world of extremes
As someone with autism, I live in a world of extremes. Extreme emotions, extreme sensitivity to sound, itchy fabric and social situations.Extreme generalized anxiety, and all too often, extreme depression. There’s more; Extreme agitation when someone sits too close to me on the bus, and extreme anger if I think that someone isn’t playing by the rules, does not listen to what I have to say or calls me stupid and childish. Read More
The big secret

As an autistic person… I have always assumed that there was a sort of secret that everybody in the world new. Everybody except me. I had always thought that everyone understood the social rules. There was hidden knowledge of how life works, that everyone shared, apart from me. Before my autism diagnosis, I had no idea why this was. My long entrenched low self esteem, informed me that I was Read More
Autism and relationships
“For people on the autistic spectrum, love and relationships can add an extra layer of complication to an already confusing life” Autism and relationships: The video As a person with High functioning autism and married to an neuro typical, I’ve had a lot of experience in the ups and downs of being in a long term relationship. Even for neuro typicals, being in a relationship can be very challenging. Most Read More
Diagnosed with high functioning autism
In 2008, I was diagnosed with high functioning autism. I’d had very little knowledge of autism before this diagnosis. I was being assessed by a clinical psychologist to see if I was suitable for cognitive behavioural therapy for my problems with anxiety. During the session she told me that she thought I was probably on the autistic spectrum and asked me if I would like to have a diagnosis. This came Read More
Autism and mental health
In this video I talk about the difficulties many autistic people have with mental health problems such as Depression, Anxiety and OCD. I have written a lot more about my own personal solution to the problems of anxiety and depression related to autism. You can read about it here Autism: A world of extremes Autism: diagnosis and after The big secret Autism: Is poor mental health the bigger problem? Autism and Read More
Autism-my solution
“As high functioning autistic adults, we have to become our own experts” I have written this article to explain the way I cope with being an adult with high functioning autism. But firstly, just a little background on how I arrived at my “solution.” As we know there is not a “cure” for Autism. There are no magic wands that will make a person neuro typical, and even if there was, Read More
Autism: “auditory dyslexia”
“Words arrive at my ears in a vague, jumbled up way” Are you on the autistic spectrum? Do you have trouble working out what people are saying to you, understanding information and instructions? Like many other autistic people, I usually have great difficulty in this area. If there is a lot of background noise, it becomes even harder to focus on what is being said. Recently I heard someone describe Read More