Lets Talk About Stereotypes

Lets Talk About Autism Stereotypes CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO Once I overheard a doctor say; ”Oh, so he’s on the autistic spectrum… they are very high achievers, you know.” Now there’s a doctor who needs to check her facts. So lets bust some other myths about autism. STEREOTYPE NUMBER ONE Yes, I have a clinical diagnosis of high-functioning autism. but does this mean I have a passion for Read More
Odd Girl Out-A Woman On The Autistic Spectrum

Odd Girl Out-A Woman On The Autistic Spectrum A memoir by autistic journalist, Laura James. Watch my interview with Laura here… “What do you do when you wake up in your mid-forties and realize you’ve been living a lie your whole life? Do you tell? Or do you keep it to yourself?” Laura James, Odd Girl Out. I was recently invited along to the offices of Bluebird Books (Macmillan), for Read More
A Cafe where I Can Rest My Autistic Brain

The Challenge of finding an autism-friendly cafe One of my favourite activities, is spending a couple of hours in a café with a regular Americano and my laptop. It’s a great place to work these days, There’s something about the atmosphere of a nice café that allows me to be really creative and productive, as I write articles for this website or my up-coming book on autism. Whilst I enjoy cafe culture, I have Read More
Autism-friendly inspirational activity ideas-coming soon!

Autism-friendly inspirational activity ideas To come… ideas to inspire and encourage you to get more involved with all that life has to offer. This includes autism-friendly: Holiday’s Courses Activities Exercise How to guides Career guides These will all be included in the upcoming lifestyle section of adultswithautism.org.uk. It’s taking more time than expected to create the content for this new section, but I will notify all of our readers when it’s Read More
Your dating experiences on the autistic spectrum
Adults With Autism.org.uk is keen to hear about your experiences of dating and relationships. Have you found it difficult as an autistic person to find a girlfriend or boyfriend? Have you used any of the online dating websites for people with autism, did it work for you? If not, how did you meet your partner and find love? Do you have any tips on how people with autism can find Read More
Autism friendly courses-are you interested?
Autism, mental health conditions: The extra cost of insurance

Autistic? Take a nap!

Important info for autistic drivers!
Important info for autistic drivers! “You should inform the vehicle licensing authority in your country for advice, if you have any type of disability that might affect your ability to drive a vehicle.” Please note that if you are a car driver who is on the autistic spectrum. You may need to inform the vehicle licensing authority in your country that you have an autism diagnosis. Here in the UK, Read More
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time review
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time The Gielgud Theatre, London July 2015 A review from an autistic perspective Is it possible to create a highly entertaining, educational, multi award winning show, enjoyed by people all over the world about a boy with autism? Well, the answer is yes. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, and more specifically Sion Daniel Young, who on this occasion plays the show’s Read More