Can you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder if you have autism? Read More
Does everyone with Autism have Audio Processing Disorder?
Auditory Processing disorder (APD): “Inability of the brain to process sound in the normal way.” Does everyone with Autism have Audio Processing Disorder? This article will not be a scientific analysis, or academic view of Audio Processing Disorder, or it’s relationship with autism. What this article will be is a personal account on the effects of this condition. In 2008, I was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. This diagnosis shed Read More
Autism: Feeling sympathy for inanimate objects
I have felt sympathy for objects since I was a very young child.This has caused me a huge amount of sadness and anxiety over the years. I feel sad for the photograph that gets pushed to the back of the display cabinet, the guitar that doesn’t get played anymore, and the once loved camera that has now been displaced by a newer one. As a young autistic child, I played Read More