Things that make my autistic life more enjoyable
Self-help tips for people on the autistic spectrum
Listening to music takes away anxiety when travelling on public transport.
Getting plenty of exercise eases the tension in my body.
Taking long walks in the countryside, and smelling the different fragrances.
Being by the sea. Listening to the sound of the waves and watching the motion of the water relaxes my mind
Avoiding noisy places whenever possible
Meditating in a quiet place stops my negative thoughts and makes me feel more optimistic
Taking medication for anxiety allows me to do all the other things on this list!
Touching wet tree bark with my palms makes me feel very calm
Being around “nice” people that don’t judge me, and give me time to answer
Making a list of things I need to do. This means I can be more organised, less anxious and achieve more
Playing my guitar and violin creates a very calm, peaceful space in my mind
Wearing noise cancelling headphones in public places. Especially when travelling on trains and buses
Taking photographs, especially in the countryside
The warm spring sunshine always makes me feel great!
Sitting in a café with my laptop, writing my thoughts down, with a nice cup of coffee
Hi Steve,
Thank you for your very accessible website. I am 45 and pre diagnosis, having suffered with chronic anxiety and innumerable behavioural ‘quirks’ for most of my adult life.
I am interested in writing about my experiences teaching and practising mindfulness and meditation and how it can help me manage some of more intrusive autistic traits. Let me know if this is something you are interested in as I am really keen to reach out to folks like you and I.
Hi Steve
Thanks for your website, it is very helpful!
Best regards
Hi Konrad
Thanks for the message. Glad you like the website.
Are you also on the autistic spectrum?