Timothy Blossom sees the world differently to other people.
Barbara, Timothy’s mother, says this is due to his ‘special wiring’, a concept he struggles to understand – as does Bert Blossom, probably the grumpiest dad in East Winslow.
Timothy is twelve years, three months and five days old. He also happens to be the brainiest kid at Highcrest Manor School, but only when it comes to science. When it comes to tying his shoelaces, well… that’s another matter.
‘Officially Brilliant’ is about the year Timothy finds out he has Autism Spectrum Disorder. Or the ‘A-word’ as he calls it. It’s also about his blossoming friendship with, of all people, Adrian Wilkes; the single most annoying excuse for a human on the entire planet.
How will Timothy cope with the complexities of making friends and becoming a teenager?
Find out in ‘Timothy Blossom – Officially Brilliant.’ Read More