Lets Talk About Autism StereotypesCLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEOOnce I overheard a doctor say; ”Oh, so he’s on the autistic spectrum…they are very high achievers you know.” Now that’s a doctor that needs to check her facts.So lets bust some other myths about autism.STEREOTYPE NUMBER ONEYes, I have a clinical diagnosis of high functioning autism. but does this mean I have a passion for science fiction? Absolutely no it Read More
Autistic? Take a nap!
“Speaking as a usually stressed out autistic person, nothing energises my brain like an afternoon nap” Are you tired, and on the autistic spectrum? Then take a nap. Yes, the sleep experts are saying that having a nap during the course of the day is actually very beneficial for most people, whether you’re NT or on the autistic spectrum. This is really great news. From my experience, the Read More